ACKA servers, do they deserve to be in masterserver?
(30 Apr 15, 09:11PM)+f0r3v3r+ Wrote: But no - I fail to see the validity in claiming servers listed on the masterserver to be community property.

So my beef with your banter is simply that this is a truly fabricated concept that servers somehow 'belong' to the community.

I respect your opinion, but I still wait and hope to have others qualified participation to the "banter" (a new word! I had to look in the dictionary: does it sound vaguley derogatory?)

Only one thing: do not put in my mouth things I did not say. I never said that servers "belong to to community". This interpretation is stretching the point too far.  I said MS should not promote servers who are a damage for the community and the game: pretty different eh?. I do not doubt your honesty, but a better comprehension of my statements would help our reasoning. 
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Messages In This Thread
RE: ACKA servers, do they deserve to be in masterserver? - by ketar - 30 Apr 15, 10:03PM