AC 1.3 or AC 2, Your Expectations and Estimations
As I said to Luc@s yesterday, the map restrictions did not help at all, camper@camper maps are still here, same for twin-towers. I was randomly playing on a server when someone voted SWAT-silent-kill, I remember a fun map for T-OSOK on the 1.0, not laggy, not a camper map, the mapper wasn't a genius but he was able to create a decent map, as it didn't fit the new restrictions, someone had to modify it and add some annoying pillars everywhere to kill the gameplay, and also he was able (and I though it was fixed once for all) to add like 15 or more pickups at the exact same spot (at least 3 of each).

The restrictions are not working or are easilly dodged by some smart mappers, many maps that used to be fun disapeared from the servers and now we have the choice between randomword@randomword maps, that are all the same with different textures.

ezjemvill > twintowers > megatowers > campers@campers

The restrictions can't help it, it's just restraining the creativity and agravating the situation, but anyway this as been said many times, years ago by those who were against those restrictions.

Filtering the display of the client is probably better than another masterserver IMO.

The idea of the masterserver is not a bad one, but I think something easier should be made instead. Just add a filter to each clients that just checks each current running maps in the masterserver and add them in two categories, official and unofficial maps.

Or just add a setting to show only official maps at start (the basic setting would hide servers running unofficial maps if you are a nasty T-restrictor) and allow each users to show unofficial maps after the official map list.

If the gema mode was created, it would be even more easy to filter servers for the client. New players would know they are in a gema server and would only complain about how ignorant they can be if they were disapointed by this game accordingly to what they expected.
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RE: AC 1.3 or AC 2, Your Expectations and Estimations - by ExodusS - 17 Oct 14, 04:48PM