The script requests/brainstorming thread!
(16 Apr 11, 07:16AM)V-Man Wrote: That's great! So efficient! Can you think of an efficient script for "powf"?

Lol, I have come to a dead end.
powf = (stuff using log2 and powf)

Updated gcd and isint.
// Euclidean algorithm
gcd = [ if (modf $arg1 $arg2) [ result (gcd $arg2 (modf $arg1 $arg2)) ] [ result $arg2 ] ]

// determines whether the number is an int or not
isint = [ result (=f (+ $arg1) $arg1) ]

// returns the fraction of a rational number
// precondition: arg1 is a rational number e.g. 0.35
tofract = [ result (simplify $arg1 1) ]

// returns the fraction of an irrational number
// precondition: arg1 is the repeating portion of an irrational number e.g. 0.66666... -> 0.6
itofract = [ result (simplify $arg1 0.9) ]

// returns the simplified fraction
simplify = [
  tmpnum1 = $arg1
  tmpnum2 = $arg2
  while [ (|| (! (isint $tmpnum1)) (! (isint $tmpnum2))) ] [ *=f tmpnum1 10; *=f tmpnum2 10 ]
  tmpgcd = (gcd $tmpnum1 $tmpnum2)
  result (concat (divf $tmpnum1 $tmpgcd) (divf $tmpnum2 $tmpgcd)) ]

// XXX: works only if powf is implemented correctly
nthroot = [ result (powf 2 (divf (log2 $arg2) $arg1)) ]

// XXX: fail recursive
powf = [ result (powf 2 (*f $arg2 (log2 $arg1))) ]

Bit manipulation, pl0x...
i = 1
j = 2

+= i $j
j = (- $i $j)
-= i $j
i = 1
j = 2

^= i $j
j = (^ $i $j)
^= i $j
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The script requests/brainstorming thread! - by Yarukinasu - 17 Apr 11, 06:11PM