List of internet sites you MUST AVOID!
List the reason to avoid.....

The spam websites or FRAUD websites will try to take over our $$$$!

Spam websites will fit into these caterogires:

1) Offering to protect your computer for free?
2) Telling you you get free prizes for free
3) Telling you you won a lot of money for free

Notice, do not post the website itself!
First report:
Purpose: to win the prizes that never exist in first place ( Stealing address/credit card info )
Every reload, the slots is in same place.
Every time you have 2 slots left, you won the jackpot!
Every reload, there are only 2 stories of the winner. is ABOLUSELTY blank page.
Site from where leaded: BY the FORCE against consist of the user
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Messages In This Thread
List of internet sites you MUST AVOID! - by DeafieGamer - 01 Apr 12, 01:22AM