AssaultCube runs slow on my computer
Be carefull with Windows update and graphics drivers! at work i had several people complain that their laptops (brandnew Dell) were slow and not able to run all kinds of simple programs older mchines could. I did the normal things inclueding windows update especially as Win7 had alrady identified a performance issue with the Nvidia kernal. Well Win update said all was latest specs, but still the problem persisited. Now sure it was the graphics drivers I went to the Nvidia site and DL the updater, well it found that my version 1.100.260 need to be updated to 2.600.300, the change was nothing short of a miracle, all Laptops now run really fast.

Morale of this story, dont trust Windows updates!
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Messages In This Thread
RE: AssaultCube runs slow on my computer - by DES|Anderson - 11 Jan 12, 08:34AM
RE: AssaultCube runs slow on my computer - by iDamN - 18 Jan 12, 08:59PM