Homer-J & Tiesto expelled from IAF Clan
when homer din't respected you? :s he is one my nicest mate :s i'm really sad of this because:

-i know aka is stupid...enough to make something stupid like that.he is brother of hinata that connect on a ladder server with a fullserver only with his ip....

-aka say he is guilty.(i agree that he said it fastly in non respectfull way,without thinking the problem he give to his friends homer and tiesto).

-i play since a long time with homer-j and tiesto.we played lot of pub,inter,match and nobody never say nothing wrong against them,no cheat accusation,no bad behavior,they are really great mates,not the strongest,but really respectfull guys.

so i really hope and trust that they won't be ban and that aka will pay what he done.
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RE: Homer-J & Tiesto expelled from IAF Clan - by pakit - 22 Jul 10, 06:13PM