Assault Cube mapping contest goes green
in Ronald_Reagan's defense, he used a custom hanging ladder that is already in the svn (beta) for the next version of the game, the rules do not say anything about such a case, so in all reality, it would be alright
and the other map is ac_recic, which uses a wooden fence as a custom mapmodel in the field of play, but again, right on the other side is a hill that you can't go up, so its not "that" big of a deal

@bloodsport, that is actually one of like 3 bugs i caught, lol

@ventex, i was clearly pointing out the rules, he tried the same, stating "oh ac_dingy was started before the contest, this isn't fair"

and to finish it up @exoduss, i already said, its up to the judges to accept it and to judge it as so (just fyi, if i was a judge, it would be accepted)
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RE: Assault Cube mapping contest goes green - by Pi_Halo - 10 Apr 11, 07:08PM