Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here)
I was playing ac_arid on Have fun or die [1] at 10:49 on Feb 03 (GMT - 5)
I accidentally teamkilled a couple times (three i think) in the hallway above RVSF spawn, when i was auto-kicked. the weird part is though, it didn't say teamkilling detected, it said "score is below server threshold". I didn't think much of it, so i got right back on the server, and went back to playing. When i first got back on, i looked at my score, and i had 2 kills and 2 deaths. i kept playing for a little while, killed a couple (three or four) enemies when i accidentally shot one of my teammates again. It auto-banned me again, also for "below server threshold". I understand that this would be an acceptable case of autoban for intentional teamkilling (four teamkills in less than five minutes), but it gave me the other message instead.

Sorry for reviving an old thread, i just thought i should post this somewhere.
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Messages In This Thread
seo hosting - by tamraw - 10 Sep 10, 11:39AM
RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - by davidspade - 11 Sep 10, 09:53AM
RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - by Lantry - 04 Feb 11, 04:55AM
RE: Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here) - by BieeL - 18 May 11, 03:52PM