If you could nominate a player for the dev team, who would it be?
I would just like to point out that there is more to being a mapping dev or a mapper for that matter then going around and trying to change the world. Going and changing someone's work to slap your name on it to make it look like some big thing you did for the community isn't always right (in same cases it can be right). There is more to it then that. I think before anyone should be considered for anything you should look at there history. Obviously you want someone who isn't too much collateral. Someone who has respect for others, for maps (or mods or scripts, whatever the dev spot is referring to), and respect for the game. I'm not here to blow my own horn and make it seem like I'm all of these, cause to be frank, I'm not. Constructive work from the inside out is a tad bit more efficient then tearing down just to rebuild. My point of view isn't changing maps that have been successful through multiple releases, but maybe fixing those that haven't been that still stick with the official title or fixing up maps to be an official title. That's just my 2 cents worth on the matter, but what do I know anyways.

For farther reading on a dev slapping his name on something just to build his credit, you can see RK's "helping" with a completed ac_urban, which was just more or less a change in base locations and apparently that deserved RK to get credit for a map. Personally, as a respect thing, I have always found it to be of good nature to contact a mapper before I did any work on his map. And while I am sure, some will say, yeah, but what if they aren't active. My reply to that is, try finding metl (the guy who made the cube maps with like names). I found him and waited nearly 10 months for a reply to my e-mail before I did any work with ac_metl3. If no reply, don't touch it is my opinion. Have some respect for someone else's hard work.
Thanks given by: Luc@s , Million , ReDBuLL

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RE: If you could nominate a player for the dev team, who would it be? - by Pi_Halo - 07 Aug 15, 01:27PM