How do you view auto-download?
Personally I get a little annoyed when a map loads that requires new content. Not in itself, but when I finish downloading the dozens of resources and don't like the map or the custom resources, I still have it on my hard drive. (I've even gotten in the habit of cancelling the autodownload and looking at the map geometry to see if I even like it before downloading resources)

Obviously auto-download can a great thing for content providers, but I wanted to get opinions before I started using it. You can get pretty far with just the officially distributed resources, but sometimes you want something that isn't in the official package.

How do you view auto-downloading? Have you ever auto-downloaded content you regret? Do you use auto-download yourself in your maps?

DrauL Edit: The caps in the title annoyed me <3
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Messages In This Thread
How do you view auto-download? - by Felix-The-Ghost - 07 Jun 14, 07:48AM
RE: How do you view auto-download? - by Luc@s - 07 Jun 14, 01:52PM
RE: How do you view auto-download? - by Skinny-Dog - 07 Jun 14, 04:04PM