About AC (game & community) development...
(05 May 14, 07:16PM)stef Wrote: ..would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay..
..what should the next release bring?..

AC has a feel a simplistic quick paced almost 'old school' feel that is rare. I think we should focus a little more on the visual aspects of the game than its gameplay..

Next release? I want 'nice_medals.png' to be implemented.
I would LOVE some kind of medal system in AC and I also think it could give it an extra bit of modern visual to the game..

Perhaps some kind of "Unlockables" Could be added, not only to draw people in, but to keep them playing.
Not so much unlockable weapons and upgrades but things like achievements perhaps?
An "Unreal Tournament" style campaign would be amazing too!
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RE: About AC (game & community) development... - by MykeGregory - 15 May 14, 04:21PM