About AC (game & community) development...
about you: first contact with ac, favourite game modes and maps, country, age, clan, other games
I downloaded AC on July 2008 looking for a fps for Linux, but then quit on 2011 and back on Agost 2013; I like CTF, TOSOK; OSOK and I used to enjoy DM. AssaultCube_Power! :P I'm from Argentina, I feel like 1000 years old, no clan - was a member of Unbreakable clan founded by Zarj, I don't play any other game at this moment.

do you mostly play public matches or do you prefer clan competition? are you a regular 1vs1 player? do you care about your ratio or your flags-per-minute value? do you support team players even in just-for-fun games?
I prefer public matches, but I played some "inters" whit some clan members, I rarely play 1vs1, I do both [ratio and flags] I support team work for sure but I'm ok whit the "Rambo mode" :P

community ties: where does AC community "happen" for you? only ingame, in the official forum, clan forums, IRC, mumble?
Forum and game. I'm not very firendly of IRC... mumble?

is it easy for you to get help with problems with the game? where do you get help? which problems could not be solved?
Yes, I got some help here on the forum.

what do you think about the AC community? how could the community be made better? what would you like to contribute?
It seems divided, IMO. too much bitching. I consider myself as a decent player, but sometimes I lost my head, like whit "PERROS" [rollling eyes], How contribute?, well, I'm a mapper [not the best one, I know but..] Also made some mapmodels and now I'm traslating the docs to Spanish. I will share it when it is done. I'm just doing this, for the newcomers (unfairly called n00bs by some arrogant pro players)

what do you like about AC?
I like because is lightweight, and has many modes and maps [more maps on akimbo! :D] All those who says that AC sucks, are a bunch of [the F word here] idiots.

do you play on a laptop or a desktop? does it have a dedicated graphics card or do you use chipset graphics? what average fps do you play at, and what screen resolution do you use? do you use features like "reduced violence mode" or degraded textures? do you use colored vests?
Desktop, Nvidia GForce 4 MX 4000 - 64 mb X-0, I could get range of 80 - 120 fps on the ugliest resolucion 640x480, but I dont like those flat textures, so I have 80 - 90 fps using the "bad" on the graphic details option.

do you play with headphones or with a surround system or do you use the builtin speakers of your laptop?
where should AC development be headed to? what should the next release bring?
I don't know.

would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay or should it be molded to be more like another game (and what other game)? do you play other games of the cube family?
AssaultCube must have his own classic gameplay. I don't think they have to "copy" others videogames feature, that seems ridiculous to me.

one feature AC should add:
More than add, rolling back on the weapon balance. They messed whit my shotgun! :'( now I use the sniper + pistol or trying use it.

one feature AC should remove:
The heartbeat sound, I don't think is something that we need.

EDIT: I forgot to add my fav map.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: About AC (game & community) development... - by MPx - 07 May 14, 03:08AM