About AC (game & community) development...

1) I'm .45|Baruch, I played 4 years ago for the first time, because I was looking for a free game that could run on my crappy laptop with the crappy wifi ^^. AC was my first FPS, and is now my favourite game of all times. I play gema for 2 years now, and I love it. I also enjoy pubs, but not really clan matches. My favourite fps map is ac_shine ctf. I am 22 and French.

2) I play mostly pubs and gema. They are really different but I enjoy switching from one to another. I don't like 1v1 because it's boring. Public server is like jungle, I don't think teamplay is possible. I just ratio whore and try to get flags.

3) Community is on my clan teamspeak. Sometimes I go to other teamspeak channels, but not so often. I also visit my clan forum. Sometimes I meet people ingame, but most players use nicks (so do I). I use nicks because otherwise I get teabagged, while I just want to have fun. I never come to this forum, because I have the feeling that the people who post here are not the ones who play the game. If I make a video of AC, or if I have a cool project to propose, I don't post it here, because otherwise I would get trolled, or banned.

4) I have a clan to answer my questions when I have some, but I can understand that you can be lost when you just started playing the game.

5) Make masterserver side user accounts. This forum uses a database to store user accounts right ? Then make the masterserver look into it. Make that you cannot change name ingame, and that it's the same name as in forum. This way it will be much clearer, and people will stop trolling under another nick.
I am currently working on it and I am willing to help.

6) Two words : Simple & Fast
I think that every change of the game should be following these 2 words. AssaultCube has not the graphics to compete with modern FPS. But unlike these games, it is simple and fast. You launch the game, and then immediately you can play. Gameplay is simple. Not much weapons. Gameplay is fast, you die, you spawn, you kill.

7) I don't like some parts of the community. Being better ingame doesn't allow you to troll others.
I also disagree with the custom content politic. To be alive, the game needs new maps, new mods, new coding projects. It needs it, because no content is provided by the developers. I don't mean this as an offense really, but I think that the devs should encourage more custom contents.

8) Desktop, graphics card, 500 fps, 1360x768, good graphics.

9) Headset

10) Well, let's take a look at 1.2 features. Physics were slowed down, which is against the "simple & fast" rule. New modes : I never play them. Akimbo autodownload : I think it slows down mappers creativity. It is a good work though, but it really wasn't the priority.
In my opinion, the most important feature to add is : append a database to the masterserver. This could lead to several things : ingame user accounts, ingame ladder, matchmaking, private messages, friends, clan pages. And also put an irc client ingame, this way people will be able to talk to eachother if not on the same server.
Again, I think AC has to follow "simple & fast". Now it just has to be "clear". Because simple should not mean messy. Why would you want to look like another game ? Let's just play this other game then. AC has something unique, we should keep it.
I played cube1, cube2, and red eclipse. Of course the graphics of cube2 are better than cube1, and I dream of an AC gameplay on cube2 engine. I started doing it, but for some reason cube1/AC maps are slow on cube2, because the loader has a problem. Sauerbraten and Red eclipse have a major issue : the gameplay. For some reason, it doesn't work.

11) I listed already some ideas, but here are some others :

- Allow the client to connect to multiple masterservers. The reason is simple : if you don't want gema or weird servers on the official masterserver, just let people add some custom masterservers, and the problem is solved. As a gema server provider, I have to be constantly on the edge of official ms laws (no gameplay modification). I think that this feature would be better for all : easier to ban a server from ms, and more enjoyable for gema players (for example).
I don't think this is very hard to do, only thing is the akimbo autodownload that could mess up.

- Hax jump : In B} league, hax jump was prohibited. I think this situation is not clear, and this is one solution :
As a gema player, I am of course against removing hax jump. But there are 2 ways of doing it : a hard one, and a cheap one. The cheap one can be done with a bind, or not. I think this cheap hax should be removed entirely, not just forbid the bind (cause anyway it's impossible to see the difference).
Since hax jump is a bug, it's not easy to understand how it works, I tried to change the code a bit, but couldn't find how to make the difference between the two ways of haxing.
By the way, I don't understand why the head hit technique has been removed, and was replaced by another head hit technique. I guess this wasn't intended, and should be fixed.

- I'm really not into mapping, but I heard the map requisities are not easy to understand for noobs. Maybe make it clearer ?

- Everytime I open the server browser, what I see is only 1 server with players playing seriously, and this server is full (it's ESP server btw). This is a problem, and maybe we should think about a better way for players to join servers. Some kind of matchmaking ?

- Bots in multiplayer. This would be really nice I think, it would bring some players to empty servers, and thus avoid players to stack on only one server. AC reloaded did it, why not AC. Plus, I think ACR is open source no ?

- I saw cube2 can record videos, why not AC ?

12) Haha no there are not enough things to give you the possibility to remove some ^^ :p. But please, these are not good ideas :

- Weapons balance : it's the least of the problems. Everyone knows shotguns are overpowered in pubs, but weak in 3v3 clan matches anyway. First make a matchmaking system, then balance weapons.

- New modes : no, stop. The only competitive mode is CTF, and that's way enough for this game. Keep it simple and efficient.

- New graphics : yes, but some players with very low pc won't be able anymore to play the game. Anyway, new graphics won't change anything, we need a better game system.

I want to help. I've already explored most of the source code of this game. I will continue to work on my custom masterserver thing anyway.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: About AC (game & community) development... - by Ashxelor - 06 May 14, 02:29AM