The square, the score: how to live happy and lift up AC
The sound bug is 'fixed' in that the problem has been identified and can be easily repaired. It hasn't been committed at time of writing, and even when it is, that's not going to help version In the meantime, the bug is caused by the way ricochet sounds are handled when the shot is fired right up against map geometry. You can disable these "Ricochet air" sounds by unchecking them in the "Bullet/explosion" sound menu (the top two), or by unchecking "Bullet near-miss" (which disables both), or by typing
/bulletairsound 0
in-game, which does the same thing. You lose the ricochet sounds, but everything else stays.
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RE: The square, the score: how to live happy and lift up AC - by jamz - 08 Apr 14, 02:17PM