Is the player in this demo sole_survider hacking? https://www.mediafire.com/?6qh3ngn6z3i93xd

Some things I am suspicious about:
How he kept guessing the right way to turn after spawning and how quickly and precisely he would do it
How when I went to spec him that same round he didn't fire a shot and possibly let him self be killed
How sometimes his gun would click repeatedly after firing five shots instead of reloading (I don't know if this is just a 'normal' glitch)
How there was no time between him changing from his knife and firing his sniper (again, I don't know if this is just a 'normal' glitch)

Also is there any way of fastforwarding and rewinding demos?
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Messages In This Thread
Hacks? - by Hellspell - 28 Aug 16, 09:07PM
RE: Hacks? - by yopa - 28 Aug 16, 10:52PM
RE: Hacks? - by Million - 29 Aug 16, 10:25AM
RE: Hacks? - by Hellspell - 30 Aug 16, 11:30PM
RE: Hacks? - by gy_be - 31 Aug 16, 06:45PM
RE: Hacks? - by gy_be - 30 Aug 16, 06:53PM