(13 Sep 14, 08:58PM)Waffles Wrote: /animationinterpolationtime is interesting to mess with and there are a few others i cant rightly remember the names of. I'll get back to you.

(13 Sep 14, 10:03PM)Vanquish Wrote: Anyway, some settings you may want to tinker with:


What exactly does this do?
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I'm not sure how I can explain it properly without checking in the source code, but I believe it's similar to smoothmove. The value you set is the amount of time in milliseconds it takes for a model to interpolate.

For instance, high smoothmove values (default is 75, iirc) will add artificial client-produced "smoothing" in an attempt to make players appear more smoothly across your screen as they move. This can make aiming easier, but also adds artificial input lag since the rate at which the player reports to your screen is not being updated as frequently as if you used a low smoothmove value. The advantage of using a low setting is that there is literally no artificial input delay when the server sends the position of enemies to the client, so you will see everyone move in as close to "real time" as is possible. However, it looks jerky, and some people find it harder to aim this way. It's like the "144hz" vs "120hz w/Lightboost" argument, which tradeoff is better? (in that case it's higher refresh rate vs higher motion blur reduction)

Anyway I believe animationinterpolationtime works a similar way. There is no "best" setting, since it depends mostly on your own eye coordination, muscle reflexes, and monitor response time/refresh rate. Things such as the aspect ratio of your screen resolution could also influence how you see players, so I'm reluctant to say anything beyond "Have fun experimenting!".
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Thanks, dude. I tried smoothmove/smoothdist and seems it works. I mean, things can be hard if you set the wrong value for these ones.
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